Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A favorite memory

Back in the mid to late 80's I was a traveling K-Mart photographer on the west coast.  I would travel from Los Angeles, CA to Seattle, WA, taking kids portraits.  I did this for about 3 years and have a lot of stories from those adventures.  My favorite one of all time was at the K-Mart store in Red Bluff, CA.  A potential customer called and asked if we did portraits of animals.  Well, I had done many cats and dogs, so just informed the customer that he would need management approval to bring the animal into the store.  It was NEVER mentioned what kind of animal he was talking about.  The next morning the store manager came up to me and asked if I was ready to take pictures of my horse!!  I wish somebody had been there to get a picture of the look on my face!  I'm sure my jaw must have dropped to the floor!!  I was speechless and dumfounded!!  Once I finally picked my jaw up off the floor, I asked him what in the hell he was talking about.  Sure enough, the animal that the customer had asked about was, indeed, a horse.  These idiot people brought that poor horse, slipping and sliding all over on the tile floor, through K-Mart to my studio!  From that point on, I ALWAYS asked what kind of animal the customer wanted pictures of!  And no, I don't think the pictures even turned out.  My camera was not intended to film that large of an animal!

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