Saturday, March 16, 2013

A little quiet amid a lot of excitement

It has been a busy, exciting few weeks and I have forgotten to blog during this time.  Shame on me!  The most exiting news is that I have a brand new granddaughter!  Aurora Rose King was born on February 26, 2013 at 8:08pm!  Although very exciting, it was more than a little scary.  During labor, baby's heart rate would drop and then come back up when mom changed position.  They finally decided they needed to go ahead and do an emergency c-section.  We are so happy that they made that decision as the umbilical cord was wrapped around Aurora's neck twice!  She probably would not have survived a normal birth and if she did, she probably would have had some brain damage.

If that wasn't bad enough, the night before they were supposed to come home her heart rate dropped to 60.  A newborn's heart rate is normally 130-160.  They did not bring her to my daughter at all that night.  Her doctor, however, stayed with her all night, running tests, consulting with cardiologists both here and at Children's Hospital.  Two pediatricians took a look at her in the morning.  The consensus was that there was no heart trouble.  Some babies, although rare, just have a slower heart rate.  Personally, we think that the vicodin that my daughter was taking while breast feeding slowed her down.  Of course, her doctor won't admit to that.  Oh well.  Everything is ok now.

Aurora is growing like a weed.  She was 7 lbs at birth and is now, at 2 1/2 weeks at 9 lbs.  I am definitely looking forward to watching our little girl grow and blossom!

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